

With so many of us leading busy lives these days, I wanted to be able to provide you with an easy, stress-free option that enables you to have a relaxing massage treatment in the comfort of your own home.

With a wealth of experience and extensive knowledge in Anatomy and Physiology I am able to tailor my treatments to suit your needs.  

I have undertaken an ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Holistic Swedish Massage and completed a Gateways Advanced Dipolma in Deep Tissue Remedial Massage which neuro-muscular therapy techniques.

In other words techniques that enable me to confidentally apply a deeper pressure in areas that may be causing you pain or discomfort or where you may have a trapped nerve. 

These skills also enable me to combine the modalities I have learned over the years so that I can give you a wonderfully holistic free flowing massage treatment that specifically caters to your needs. 

For example if you just want to relax after going through a stressful period I can a sequentialise the massage routine to bring about a sense of deep relaxation so that you can release the bulid up of cortisone within your body. 

Or if you need me to I can focus the treatment on a specific area of your body that has been causing you pain or discomfort and possibly affected your mobility. 

I can even apply essential oils which can help you to rebalance and unwind throughout the course of your treatment. 

Over the years I have managed to treat many clients successfully with a variety of different ailments.  Please visit my reviews page to see what my clients have to say about the treatments they have received.

Thank you. :)

As well as treating clients on a one to one basis, from the comfort of their own home I can also cater for group bookings.

Whether it be at your home, or a house you have hired for the weekend, your work place I can cater for pamper parties, festivals and corporate on site massage.

If you are lacking space in doors or are organising an out door event please do get in touch as I may still be able to help you.

I did have a beautiful sandstone 4x4m bell tent that I could set up in your garden or field.

Unfortunately this is currently in storage but I do hope to get it back someday.  

I can still however bring along things like  towels, blankets, massage couch, music and essential oils if you can provide a tent or yurt for me. 

If you are organising a pamper party, event or would like to receive massage in the work place please contact me to discuss your requirements.

For more info or to make a booking contact me on 07511 154 439 or send an email to amystevens96@googlemail.com